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Projects and Environment





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Caterham Hill Parish Council Projects and Environment Committee

The Projects and Environment Committee represents Caterham on the Hill Parish Council in its dealings with the environment, events, activities, highways and other issues and more (see the terms of reference below).


Members of the Parish Council Projects Committee are:


Cllr Emma Payne (Chair), Cllr Maria Grasso, Cllr Kerry Mansfield, Cllr Vicky Robinson, Cllr Chris Botten, Cllr Geoff Duck, Cllr George Dennis.


Committee meetings are held bi-monthly at the Caterham Ex Service Mens Club. If you sign up to our mailing list you (click here) will be informed when a meeting is planned and residents are encouraged to attend and give their views. 


Please click here for any planned meeting dates. Occasionally meetings are cancelled so please check the website before attending.  


The Projects and Environment Committee terms of reference are:


The Projects and Environment Committee shall exercise the powers and duties of the Council in accordance with approved policies and Financial Regulations in relation to:


  1. Hillcroft Corner. 

  2. Christmas illuminations, decorations and activities.  

  3. Community events

  4. The allotment competition.

  5. Parish Council notice boards. 

  6. CCTV cameras. 

  7. Allotments.

  8. Negotiating contracts for the supply of goods and services for the provision and maintenance of amenities.

  9. Ensuring the security and maintenance of all items on the Council’s Asset Register under the headings of Christmas lights and ancillaries, hanging basket ancillaries and street furniture.

  10. Receiving reports from the Parish Warden and taking action on issues raised.

  11. Monitoring the maintenance and security of roads, footpaths and other public rights of way in the Parish and making representations as appropriate to relevant authorities.

  12. Working with local groups on accessibility and other disability issues within the Parish and making representations as appropriate to relevant authorities.    

  13. Recording and reporting incidences of graffiti and other criminal damage within the Parish to the Police and other relevant authorities.

  14. Monitoring and acting as appropriate on problems associated with litter and fly tipping within, or affecting, the Parish.

  15. Monitoring and reporting to relevant authorities any suspected illegal temporary signs within the Parish.

  16. Working with residents, local groups and relevant authorities to co-ordinate and promote environmental initiatives. 

  17. Undertake public consultations and respond to consultations on environmental initiatives.

  18. To apply for relevant grants.

  19. Working with local groups and relevant authorities to improve planting, landscaping and management of parks, communal green infrastructure and verges.

  20. Working with developers and relevant authorities to improve the design of communal green spaces within new developments.

  21. Planting and floral display projects to enhance the appearance of public spaces.

  22. Tree planting.

  23. Natural flood resilience.

  24. Wildflowers. 

  25. Verges and hedges.

  26. Manage, according to Financial Regulations, contracts and tenders for any projects within the budget of the committee




The Committee shall advise the Parish Council and make recommendations regarding:

  1. Matters relating to recreation, sport, the arts and leisure within or affecting the Parish

  2. Initiatives for the provision of new facilities or activities.

  3. The provision of amenities, facilities and other services for children and young people in the Parish.

  4. New environmental initiatives

  5. Budget


The Committee shall not exceed, or vary by virement, its annual budgetary allocations without

reference to the Finance & General Purposes Committee, and without the subsequent approval

of the Council.




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